Secret To All The Hidden


 -Sadikshya Satyal
It's the dark that shows the light
It’s the healed wound that makes you strong
It’s the fading pain that gives you courage
Everything here has a return
What goes in, comes out with its reflection
This world is a mirror
Words that you say, actions that you perform
Comes back to you without any error

Everyone here craves love but is not ready to give
Seeks an apology but is not ready to forgive
“Who were we? And Where are we?”
She asked
Looking into her eyes
Where he could see her soul
He replied with a smile 
“This is a secret to all the hidden”

Invisible string ties us all 
Binds us with a connection 
That is unbreakable and pure
Love comes easily
If you just deepen a little with the within 
It has to start with you 
Not me; but, you
Because this is the secret to all the hidden
And it should not be forgotten

Those who inspired were inspired by someone 
Those who loved were once loved by someone
It’s all about the little things
What one does will affect the other
Speak kind, spread your love 
But when you do that
Don't forget to love yourself first
After all,
This is the secret to all the hidden


  1. Wonderful poem Sadikshya. Keep it up.

  2. The first section has started with all the frustrations, covered up with kind of selfishness, followed by mysteries, finally concluded with false hope.

    Every words are rightfully chosen, has its depth, true and simply amazing;
    At least according to me.


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